[STOCKPHOTO] Re: Comp question to photographers in general.
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Ed Verkaik
2007-01-10 14:35:12 UTC
Posted by: "Rubens Abboud" ***@hotmail.com r_a_p_i_1
What's the logic behind spending $70 on a lock for your side door if
no product yet exists to lock your front door?

If you use Protware your images will still be unprotected. This is
not a "small victory"
Thanks for the clarification on screen grabs.

I had already mentioned that we use watermarks anyway, so the Protware
approach (of disabling the most convenient techniques plus chopping up
images in cache) is an improvement over just freely allowing others to take
what they want. To use your analogy, if all the doors and windows are locked
but one, then most casual thiefs may give up and move on. I am trying to
*discourage* copying, and make it less straightforward. I am also making it
harder to copy our text and code. Protware does a range of things (like
block bandwidth theft, applying referrer checks, optimizing code etc.) and I
think you are far too critical and dismissive. I'm not paranoid, just trying
not to be a fool. We do what we can in an imperfect world.

Ed Verkaik
Rubens Abboud
2007-01-10 20:59:16 UTC
Post by Ed Verkaik
Protware does a range of things (like
block bandwidth theft, applying referrer checks, optimizing code etc.) and I
think you are far too critical and dismissive.
I think the only way you'll understand why I am critical and
dismissive of Protware's "technology" is when you've had the
opportunity to implement Protware on your site and have had
practical experience with the results.

In the meantime, here are some tips:

- referrer checks are not effective or even practical. The referrer
string is sent by the user's browser and not all browsers send it.
If you limit access to only certain referrers, you are likely
blocking a lot of legitimate access to your site. Google: "blank
referrer" if you want proof.

- if you write your site in PHP, you are much better off using a
dedicated optimizer like the one from Zend, or even some of the
better free ones. You'll get performance improvements orders of
magnitude than Protware is capable of delivering. Google: PHP

Best regards,

Travel stock photography

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