2006-12-28 14:26:23 UTC
Chatting to an old schoolmate at a party I discovered that he has just
been given a huge collection (x00,000??, three pallet loads) of
original negs dating from the sixties and seventies which were the
pictures taken by staff photographers of an English regional newspaper.
He is an illustrator/freelance writer/self publishing local historian
with no background in photography but stepped in to save a historic
asset that was on its way to the dump. He has acquired copyright of
the pictures. The content of the archive is local news,personalities,
sport, scenery and any national figures who strayed into the region
within range of the paper's staff snappers. He is seeking funding to
preserve the originals and is hoping to scan part of the collection.
What is the likelihood of raising useful income by placing vintage
images with an agency? any advice or pitfalls to avoid in dealing with
this sort of material?
Tony Collins
been given a huge collection (x00,000??, three pallet loads) of
original negs dating from the sixties and seventies which were the
pictures taken by staff photographers of an English regional newspaper.
He is an illustrator/freelance writer/self publishing local historian
with no background in photography but stepped in to save a historic
asset that was on its way to the dump. He has acquired copyright of
the pictures. The content of the archive is local news,personalities,
sport, scenery and any national figures who strayed into the region
within range of the paper's staff snappers. He is seeking funding to
preserve the originals and is hoping to scan part of the collection.
What is the likelihood of raising useful income by placing vintage
images with an agency? any advice or pitfalls to avoid in dealing with
this sort of material?
Tony Collins